Ko te reo te manawapou o te Māori
Mā te kōrero i te reo e ora ai
Mā te ora o te reo
Ka rangatira te tangata
Māori-medium PLD
Support for kaiako, kaiārahi, and tumuaki to enhance their use of Te Marautanga o Aotearoa.
Dual-medium PLD
Grow learning environments where ākonga can be successful as Māori.
Aromatawai PLD
‘Mā te ruku, mā te wānanga, mā te kōrero, mā te aro atu, mā te wetewete e whakamārama ai te upoko o te kaupapa’. Rukuhia Rarangahia
Marau ā-kura PLD
Draw on mātauranga Māori for rich and authentic learning for ākonga.
Aromatawai NCEA
Build kaiako understanding of NCEA in wharekura and secondary schools.
School led learning at home: Voices of Maori and Pasifika students report
Experiences of parents of Māori and Pasifika students in the 2020 COVID19 Alert Level 4 lockdown.