Our story
Evaluation Associates | Te Huinga Kākākura Mātauranga - raising ākonga achievement and reducing disparity.
Since 1999, we have had two aims. Raising achievement for all ākonga/learners in Aotearoa New Zealand. Reducing disparities for ākonga/learners by promoting effective leadership, teaching, and learning strategies. We continue to strive for better learning and achievement.
"Mā whero, mā pango, ka oti te mahi. With red and with black, the work will be done."
This whakataukī/Māori proverb reflects how we collaboratively work to strengthen the education sector. Productive partnerships are vital and important for us.
What we believe
It is our job to support kaiako/teachers and kaiārahi/leaders to focus on raising achievement and reducing disparity. We believe ākonga/learners do better when they and their kaiako/teachers know how the improvements were made.
We only take on work that we think will genuinely help learning. We hold ourselves to account by the difference we make.
Our values
Our values weave into everything we do, from our consultancy services, to how we conduct evaluations, and the resources we create.
We take an open, learning-focused approach to everything we do. Our company values are expressed as:

We provide professional learning, leadership services, consultancy, and assessment support.
It is important for us to know that our work makes a difference, and can continue after we leave.
Since 1999, we've supported improvement in the education sector.
We practise what we preach in terms of our belief in the power of collaboration.