Assessment | Aromatawai
Focus on the pedagogy needed to raise ākonga achievement and reduce disparity.
Assessment for learning PLD
Develop the capabilities to design and use both informal and formal assessment.
Aromatawai PLD
‘Mā te ruku, mā te wānanga, mā te kōrero, mā te aro atu, mā te wetewete e whakamārama ai te upoko o te kaupapa’. Rukuhia Rarangahia
NCEA support
Get ahead of the NCEA change programme so ākonga can succeed
Assessment for learning online course
Learn from New Zealand's leading consultants in assessment for learning!
Assessment systems and tools
Get the most out of the assessment information you have.
Aromatawai NCEA
Build kaiako understanding of NCEA in wharekura and secondary schools.
Assessment for learning resources
Access tools and resources to embed assessment for learning in your kura, school, or kāhui ako.
Clarity in the Classroom - Michael Absolum
Grow your understanding of formative assessment.