Beginning principal regional hui 2023

Connect with other new school and kura leaders in your first two years of principalship.

Participate in the upcoming regional hui. Connect with other principals and ngā tumuaki as you keep growing your leadership capability.

Hui dates and locations

Secondary beginning principal hui - term two

In term two , we will be hosting cross-regional hui designed to bring together secondary principals as follows:  

Upper North secondary hui

Where: Auckland

When: 16th June

Who is it for? Secondary principals and nga tumuaki from Te Tai Tokerau, Auckland, Waikato and Bay of Plenty/Waiariki.

Central South secondary hui.

Where: Wellington

When: 9th June

Who is it for? Secondary principals and nga tumuaki from Wellington, Hawkes Bay/Tairāwhiti & Taranaki/Whanganui/Manawatu.

South Island secondary hui

Where: Christchurch

When: 14th June

Who is it for? Secondary principals and nga tumuaki from Canterbury, Otago/Southland, Nelson, Malborough/West Coast.

How to register for these hui

Regional hui are open to all principals and ngā tumuaki in their first two years in the role. We email registration information directly before each event.

Connect with Gese to find out more