Gary Tenbeth
Gary joined Evaluation Associates | Te Huinga Kākākura Mātauranga at the beginning of 2017. He is the principal advisor for the Otago region, primarily working with beginning principals but also available to support other principals in the region.
From 2012 to 2016 Gary was a Team Solutions, (University of Auckland) Leadership and Assessment facilitator, working with the Consortium for Professional Learning (CPL). This work instilled in Gary strong beliefs in teacher and leader instructional, organisational and evaluative capacity. During this period Gary also facilitated annual national workshops on OTJs and PACT.
Gary worked with schools in the following areas:
Open-to-Learning leadership workshops.
Building leadership teams – coaching.
Leading change using strategic planning and systems management.
Assessment for Learning – pedagogical leadership.
Developing relationships between schools and their communities.
National Standards, making OTJs and understanding the PaCT tool.
Building evaluative capability in teachers and leaders.
Collaborative expertise and building relational trust.
Analysis and interpretation of data – reporting student achievement.
Classrooms observations, including practice analysis conversations that support teacher self-review.
In the thirty years prior, Gary was a primary school principal of schools in Otago and Southland.
Gary received accreditation as a facilitator for Open to Learning – Leadership Conversations in 2014, which enables him to facilitate OTL- Leadership workshops.
In 2016 Gary was appointed lead mentor (South Island) in the First Time Principals’ Programme, which enabled him to facilitate termly workshops across the South Island.
Previous secondments include facilitation in the Assessment for Better Learning contract, as a leading and management advisor, as a facilitator at the Principal Planning Development Centre (PDPC), and as an advisor on Principal appointment panels. He also has experience in BoT membership for high schools and primary schools.