Dr Jacqui Patuawa

National Manager - Leadership Development

Jacqui Patuawa joined Evaluation Associates | Te Huinga Kākākura Mātauranga after working for 10 years at The University of Auckland Centre for Educational Leadership (UACEL). Her previous roles have included Programme Manager Leadership, Associate Director UACEL, and Director of the First-time Principals’ Programme (FTPP) between 2010 and 2016. Her work involved:

  • The lead facilitation of Open-to-learning™ Leadership. This involved supporting the ongoing development of the programme and its resources alongside Distinguished Professor Emeritus Viviane Robinson. It also involved the training of facilitators and the ongoing support of the growing facilitator community in Denmark, Norway, and Melbourne.

  • The lead facilitator role in the EVOLVE Programme – an induction programme for new principals in the state of Victoria contracted by the Bastow Institute for School Leadership.

  • The lead facilitator role in the PLDP Programme – an induction programme for new principals in the state of New South Wales contracted by the Department for Education and Training.

  • Being an Expert Partner – delivering support to five Communities of Learning across New Zealand.

  • Delivering school-based consultancies through MoE PLD contracts.

  • Mentoring school leaders, both nationally and internationally.

Jacqui has an extensive background in education. Prior to joining UACEL she had 11 years as a classroom teacher, four years as a deputy principal, and 13 years as a principal in three different primary schools. Jacqui was also a mentor within the FTPP, a leadership adviser and a facilitator/trainer at the Principals’ Development and Planning Centre. This Centre focused on the assessment and planning of future learning opportunities for experienced principals. In 2010, Jacqui was presented a NEITA award for Excellence in Leadership.

Jacqui is passionate about supporting school leaders to help their schools achieve the best possible outcomes for all students. She firmly believes that school improvement in the absence of quality leadership is impossible. Jacqui has completed her doctoral research with a focus on exploring the link between student outcomes and the quality of conversations that leaders have with teachers. Her research suggests that if leaders focus on effective problem solving (identifying and evaluating theories-of-action) through conversations that work simultaneously on improving practice and maintaining relationships and that are explicitly linked to focussed goal / target setting better outcomes for all students can be achieved.

In her other life, Jacqui is incredibly proud of and loves spending time with her seven children and fifteen grandchildren. She also enjoys reading, travelling and walking.

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