Using e-asTTle to support readiness for NCEA Literacy and Numeracy

This one-hour workshop focuses specifically on using e-asTTle as a tool to support teachers and students to prepare for the NCEA literacy and numeracy co-requisite standards.

During the workshop we will explore:

  • the relationship between e-asTTle and the requirements of the standards.

  • what research has told us about e-asTTle scores and the likelihood of achieving the standards.

  • how best to construct and assign tests for students in Years 9-10 to generate dependable data.

  • how e-asTTle can be used as an indicator of readiness.

  • how to use and analyse the data effectively in inform future teaching and learning.

This workshop is suitable for:

  • all teachers and leaders wanting to use e-asTTle in relation to the NCEA literacy and numeracy standards.

The workshop is an online one-hour workshop and limited to 90 participants. The workshop will run from 3:30pm – 4:30pm. There is no registration cost for attending this Ministry funded workshop.

Attendees will receive confirmation upon registration. A link to the session and further details will be sent out prior to the workshop. 

Please note registrations are managed through Eventbrite. If your school or organisation has advanced spam controls, these prevent Eventbrite emails from even reaching your personal spam folder. For more information please see this link.  


26 November 2024

Time: 3.30pm to 4.30pm

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