Nau mai, haere mai Leading by Learning
By Anna Sullivan on April 30, 2021 in Leadership
We’re excited to launch Leading by Learning — a partnership between Evaluation Associates | Te Huinga Kākākura Mātauranga and Viviane Robinson Consulting.
We recognise in the current education system the long-standing issues with disparity of outcomes for the ākonga we serve. Many of us strive to improve learner engagement and outcomes, yet time and again we encounter situations that prevent this. Being able to lead in ways that make a difference is at the heart of Leading by Learning.
What Leading by Learning is about
Leading by Learning is a theory and practice of effective, ethical educational leadership. It enables you to make significant gains on the problems of practice that prevent progress.
Every interaction impacts the culture of a kura or school – be that informal chats, planned meetings, discussions about small or larger problems and the things that go unsaid. If you want a culture that enables productive, effective problem solving, then you’ll benefit from Leading by Learning.
Leading by Learning is relevant to leaders of teams, schools, and networks. Anyone who leads will find benefits – Leading by Learning is relevant to those who hold formal and informal leadership roles, including those in the classroom. It is highly practical and has real depth and rigour.
What you’ll get
Leading by Learning is focused on ways of communicating with people that maximises positive outcomes. Through Leading by Learning, you’ll learn to grapple with problems directly related to your context, and to build a collaborative culture in your kura or school. Leading by Learning involves:
coaching and feedback from accredited facilitators
contextualised problem-solving
time to focus on why we think what we think, and why we do what we do
gaining insights into personal motivations and the impact that these have on those you lead
learning practical ways to have learning-focused conversations
increased knowledge of theory and practice underpinning Leading by Learning
a focus on school improvement
access to the Leading by Learning Online Hub.
Leading by Learning online hub
Through access to the online hub, you will deepen your learning. This online space is a real innovation for educators. Through access to the online hub, you’ll be able to:
attend exclusive webinars hosted by Viviane, Jacqui, and members of the Leading by Learning team
have access to readings, videos, exemplars, and short courses to improve your use of Leading by Learning
have access to 1:1 coaching
receive feedback, from Leading by Learning consultants, based on analysis of your transcripts and conversations
participate in exclusive learning opportunities, including online courses to extend your understanding and practice.
It is like having an education consultant in your back pocket.
Evaluation Associates | Te Huinga Kākākura Mātauranga, Viviane Robinson, and Jacqui Patuawa
Because Evaluation Associates | Te Huinga Kākākura Mātauranga and Viviane Robinson have a long-standing relationship, a partnership seemed logical to both parties.
I was looking for an organisation that had a deep commitment to the values that are central to Leading by Learning. Evaluation Associates | Te Huinga Kākākura Mātauranga not only has the commitment at the level of words, but it has expressed that commitment tangibly through its strategic plan…everyone in the organisation is involved in deepening their understanding and use of the theory and practice of Leading by Learning. Evaluation Associates | Te Huinga Kākākura Mātauranga has a value-based culture in the sense that it strives to embed Leading by Learning in all aspects of the organisation. – Viviane Robinson.
Evaluation Associates | Te Huinga Kākākura Mātauranga’s Jacqui Patuawa is leading the development of Leading by Learning and working closely with Viviane Robinson. Her years of hands-on experience as a principal, strong academic background, and practical, pragmatic approach to leadership development are key to the success of Leading by Learning. Working alongside Jacqui is a team of education consultants who specialise in supporting leadership improvement through Leading by Learning.
Leading by Learning was born out of Viviane and Jacqui’s desire to move beyond existing communication and relationship courses to create a service that responded to the latest research and helped leaders build relationships that enabled them to make a bigger impact on the learning and wellbeing of their students.
Jacqui Patuawa, the lead of Leading by Learning explains.
Leading by Learning builds on our learning from working with leaders both in New Zealand and overseas, from our years of research and from the work of Evaluation Associates, who have supported leaders for over two decades. That learning has taught us more about how to support leaders that will really help to create environments where leader, teacher, and student learning flourish.
Leading by Learning has global appeal. It’s already been picked up in Australia, Denmark, and Norway as well as being extensively trialled in New Zealand.
How to be part of Leading by Learning
Schools and leaders can engage in Leading by Learning in different ways.
Spaces for in depth on-site work with leadership teams or full school teams are limited. If you would like to be involved, please contact us as soon as you’re able so we can reserve a place for you.
If you’re new to Leading by Learning, join our workshops held throughout the country. We know from experience that attending as a senior leadership team has great value.
Want further support?
Click here to find out more about Leading by Learning.
If you are looking for on-site support for you and your team, we can come and work with you
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