e-asTTle writing marking

Are you sure that your teachers are marking e-asTTle writing at the correct levels?

We can moderate the marking of your e-asTTle scripts to give you an independent check on accuracy. Schools find this an invaluable service so that they can be sure from assessment to assessment that they are making accurate judgments within the various levels of writing achievement.

We produce an analysis for each script which gives the rubric score, the reason for having assigned the rubric score, and the overall curriculum level. These analyses act as a check on marking and also as a valuable learning tool for teachers.


We find that the most useful course of action is for the school to send a selection of scripts, graded from high to low achievement. Moderation of scripts that are considered to be on the margins of the rubric descriptors gives the most valuable information. We offer a fast service to schools for script moderation. Most sets of scripts can be returned to schools within a week.


Moderation services are charged at $100 per hour. We usually estimate that four scripts and their reports can be completed in an hour, although this is subject to the length and difficulty of the scripts.

Why work with us?

  • We have experience and expertise in marking writing Our experience in moderation for schools means that we can provide you with accurate marking and a valuable report for each script.

  • Expertise in writing pedagogy We have consultants who are very experienced in the pedagogy of writing. If your moderation results show a need for support for your teachers, we can help you

EA writing moderation