Kerry Tetupu
Ko Whakapunake te maunga
Ko Te Wairoa Hopupu Honengenge Matangirau te awa
Ko Takitimu te waka
Ko Taihoa te marae
Ko Ngati Kahungunu ki Wairoa te iwi
I tupu ake au ki Uawa
Ko Kerry ahau
Kerry works as an education consultant based in our Auckland office. She worksin the following areas:
assessment for learning
Niho Taniwha
cultural capability
Te Mātaiaho and embedding the curriculum refresh and local curriculum design
understanding learner progress and achievement, including the Curriculum Progress Tools
effective literacy practices
resource development.
Kerry has expertise in strengthening school transitions for ākonga, working across educational sectors and leading professional learning in schools.
She is most at home in classrooms working alongside kaiako and leaders to improve practice. As an effective coach and mentor, she works with each teacher or leader to understand where they are currently with their practice and effectively implement practices that will have the biggest impact on ākonga.
Specifically, Kerry supports teachers and leaders with assessment for learning. A core part of her work is supporting teachers to bring clarity to the learning - modelling with ākonga and using exemplars to demystify what is to be learnt. She knows that learning-focused relationships are fundamental to kids being active learners and works closely with teachers to support them to share the locus of control.
She recently joined our Niho Taniwha kaupapa, facilitating introductory workshops and co-faciliating in-depth professional learning.
Kerry was contracted to co-develop Matariki resources for years one to four based around Dr Rangi Matamua's Matariki research. These resources were commissioned by the Ministry of Education to support schools to celebrate the first year of Matariki as a national public holiday. Kerry was honoured to work on such important mahi.
As a resource developer, Kerry worked as part of a team developing the support resources for Social Science | Te Ao Tangata as part of the curriculum refresh. She is deeply embedded in the development of Te Mātaiaho and loves working with schools and Kāhui Ako to support them in this space.
Prior to joining us in 2021, she spent 19 years developing effective teaching practice in the classroom and an across Kāhui Ako lead.
Kerry is a learning fantatic. She never stops learning and this led to her completing her Master of Education Practice with a focus on effective classroom practice and teaching as inquiry. Ask her what education book she's currently reading.
Here are some blog posts that Kerry has written to share her thinking with the education sector:
I'm a country girl. So when I turned 18 and moved to Auckland, it took some adjusting to. One of the biggest challenges was trying to navigate the place. It was huge. I can remember many times driving around, not really knowing how to get to my destination, but hopeful of spotting something familiar, a street name or a landmark. I often got lost, and when I did I would just head towards the sky tower and hope for the best. I relied a lot on remembering things from previous journeys and sheer luck in those early days.
Ko Whakapunake te maunga
Ko Te Wairoa Hopupu Honengenge Matangirau te awa
Ko Takitimu te waka
Ko Taihoa te marae
Ko Ngati Kahungunu ki Wairoa te iwi
I tupu ake au ki Uawa
Ko Kerry ahau
Kia ora koutou. I'm Kerry Tetupu and I have very recently joined the team at Evaluation Associates | Te Huinga Kākākura Mātauranga.