Trish Manson
Trish is an education consultant working out of our Auckland Office. She facilitates successfully and extensively in shifting whole school achievement.
Trish’s areas of expertise are:
• developing adaptive expertise in teaching and leading
• assessment for learning
• evaluative capability
• teaching as inquiry
• leadership inquiry
• practice analysis conversations
• building collaborative partnerships
• culturally responsive pedagogy
• modern learning practices
• literacy: reading and writing.
Prior to joining Evaluation Associates | Te Huinga Kākākura Mātauranga, Trish had experience of successful classroom teaching, leadership of teams and leadership of schools. She also facilitated in the Leadership and Assessment contract for a number of years and has developed a range of skills to tailor PLD to suit schools’ needs.
Trish has a Bachelor’s degree in Education and has an ongoing interest in effective Leadership in Education. She reads widely about education, her recent area of curiosity being developing student agency in classrooms and how leaders can promote this in modern learning environments. She has trained in Open to Learning conversations with Viviane Robinson.
Trish relates well to people, has a great sense of humour and particularly enjoys good books and visual art.