Now is the time to start planning for your 2022 professional learning needs
By Allan Powell on July 9, 2018 in Leadership
The current model for schools and Kāhui Ako to access professional learning support through MoE funding has been in place for sometime now and many schools are valuing the tailored support from their chosen PLD provider that the model provides.
One of the issues that we’re hearing from schools is that it can be tricky to get the timing right to start PLD. Many schools like the idea of starting professional learning at the beginning of the year. In particular, schools like to use teacher-only days at the beginning of the year to set the scene for school-wide professional learning and get shared commitment to the school’s strategic direction.
If you’re one of those schools, the time to start thinking about 2022 is right now! To follow is a simple timeline to help plan for your 2022 professional learning. Let’s start with your teacher only day at the beginning of 2022 with your chosen facilitator and work backwards:
Term 4 2021: To start next year off with your professional learning focus, you will first need to have chosen a facilitator, contacted them to check their availability, and met with her or him to write the ‘delivery plan’ tab of your PLD journal. This plan must be written and returned to the ministry before the professional learning can begin, as this creates the contract between the ministry and the provider. So, if your intention is to start the new year with a strong PLD focus, it’s important to plan the PLD and co-construct the delivery plan with the facilitator in Term 4 of this year.
Term 3: In order to write the delivery plan with your chosen facilitator in Term 4 this year, you will ideally have your PLD hours approved by the regional allocation panel in the Term 3 round of applications. The Term 3 dates for submitting applications differ for each region, but all fall within weeks 2 and 4 of Term 3.
Term 2: A successful PLD application shows that a school or Kāhui Ako has inquired carefully into needs. The request for external support should be well founded, based on evidence, and show that you’ve consulted with key stakeholders. Therefore, now is the time to start prioritising your improvement plans, collating the evidence you have and deciding what external expertise you may need to raise outcomes for ākonga in 2022.
If you haven’t yet applied for support hours under the new system, it may be useful to read Anna Sullivan’s blog: 12 tips to make the most out of the new PLD system.
And we can help! An Evaluation Associates | Te Huinga Kākākura Mātauranga consultant is able to support you to write or review your PLD application at no charge. If you think this could be of use, get in touch now and book a time for one of our facilitators to visit.
And if you have a particular Evaluation Associates | Te Huinga Kākākura Mātauranga facilitator in mind for your professional learning next year, why not give them a call now and let them know your intentions? Our facilitators have been in high demand this year – the early bird catches the worm!
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